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Artist Statement

My artwork reflects personal self-evaluation and discovery. My art is focused documenting the different personas I’ve had, and still have, in my life as I grow. My work is influenced by the concepts of the Id, the Ego, and the Shadow and the complexities of “personality”. These complexities stem from the different relationships I have with people, how I view myself, and how others perceive me.

I use a variety of mediums, but have a continuous stylistic choice: text, line works, and high contrast. While I experiment with different media, these elements tie together my body of works. My process for my art is mainly internal, I think about the idea of a project for a long time before I even begin to work on it. I go into projects with a vague idea of one main element, the main color scheme or the medium I want to use, and let the piece create itself. Because of this, I like to make multiples of projects that can be presented together or separate, as the idea of the work is compounded on, which leads to new series of ideas and works.

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